Our Story - Over The Edge Farm
Our Story

The horses brought us to this land in our quest for a place where they could live a natural lifestyle, and we could live with them in freedom. Our aim, to dwell lightly on this land, with deep respect for all those that share the space here. From the dung beetles to the snake eagles, from humans to horses, each one has its place, and contributes to a healthy eco-system. The cork oak montado of Portugal is a valuable ecological resource, which is currently struggling to survive, we want to help the land regenerate through sustainable harvest and distillation of aromatic plants,

Guided By Nature

Why Land Regeneration?

Monte de Nossa Senhora, a 100 hectare farm in South Alentejo, Portugal, was owned by the same family for 2 centuries. In the 1970s, the land was divided into three parts of approximately 30 hectares. Each one inherited by a separate branch of the family. We bought 30 hectares from the original family, 6 brothers and sisters who grew up here, but left to earn their living in Lisbon as young adults. For 40 years our part of the farm was kept to the best of their ability, cleared of weeds, harvested for cork, and the house used for holidays. In their hearts they wanted to return but the practicalities of life made that impossible, so they finally decided to sell it. To let it go into the care of people who wanted to live on the land and revive the place before it was too late for the land to regenerate. That’s us.



Regenerative Land Management

With the help of our horses (large herbivores are an integral part of successful land restoration) we want to support land regeneration and help our farm thrive and revive. Using traditional Portuguese principles and modern ecological understanding we aim to have this land provide humans and horses with food and a comfortable life, without damaging it. Productivity is not our goal, we don’t want to take more than we need, or exploit resources. We want to live in the traditional Portugues style, harvesting what the land produces naturally, such as cork and aromatics. Despite the challenges of climate change and diminishing rain fall, we are already seeing our woodlands return to health,  grazing for our animals increase, and valuable medicinal plants flourish. Wildlife has increased and the bird and insect population flourish, along with the fungi. We interfere as little as possible and as much as is needed, allowing nature to do its thing, and supporting it where we can. with holistic land management , making a last stand against desertification in Southern Europe.


Aromatic Harvest

An integral part of our vision for the land is to harvest the aromatic plants that grow here and distill essential oils. Locally these medicinal herbs are viewed as weeds, but Nayana is an aromatherapist and understands the market value of these plants once distilled into essential oil. This could be a valuable source of income for a region that is cash poor. We hope to encourage the local community to understand the value of what grows around them and provide a reason for the younger people to stay on the land and care for it. The human factor is an important part of any land regeneration.

The Portuguese Montado

Portugal has a uniquely special system of land management called the montado. When managed properly this is a sustainable and harmonious system that can support, people, animals and the land. Unfortunately, with the population leaving the land for urban life, much of the montado has fallen into neglect. The land is becoming desertified, trees are dying and topsoil degraded.

A healthy montado relies on animals and humans moving among the trees, fertilising, cleaning up, and breaking down undergrowth. These days that job is done by tractors with discs. This is destructive to the trees’ roots, destroys topsoil and disrupts the bacteria that are essential to a healthy eco-system. It also destroys habitat of the animals and insects that are an integral part of tree health. So the cork oaks are dying at an alarming rate, infected by fungus as their immune system is repeatedly stressed.

We aim to reverse this cycle and support land regeneration by keeping tractor work to a minimum, doing only what is necessary. Otherwise, our herd of horses will help us control the overgrowth of invasive species, fertilise, and keep the woodlands healthy. We are also reforesting by encouraging young tree growth and planting to increase bio-diversity, as well as seeding native grasses and nitrogen-setting legumes. We try to mimic what nature would do and help it along.

Land husbandry is never finished, every day we are busy with caring for the land and the animals, harvesting, distilling, clearing, seeding and all the multitude of tasks required. We are always happy to have helping hands, and this is a great way for visitors to connect with the land, support nature and experience the totality of a life lived well. Far away from the madness of modern city life, it’s easy to hear your own heart speak.


The People

Nayana dreamed of having a horse farm for years, a place she could live intimately with the horses and share her love and knowledge with others who came to stay. When the time came we found this place and Dado made it a reality, driving the  physical creation of this beautiful space.

When we moved onto the land there was nothing but nature, a ruin and a water well. We arrived with 4 horses, 2 pups and a vision. We’ve done a lot since then and learned more than we could have imagined. We knew nothing about the ecological system we were moving into. But once we were here and understood more, living among the trees, it was natural to us to find ways to help this struggling eco-system thrive. So the focus on land regeneration developed.

Many people have contributed to the development of OtE over the years, and we are grateful to them all. Those who stay long-term are committed to a simple life, aiming to give back more than we take from this planet that supports us and to learning about their own interior world, taking responsibility for who they are and being honest with each other.  It’s fun, hard work, challenging on many levels, and we wouldn’t trade it for anything!

We don’t know what the future will bring, and are not too concerned, because every day is an exciting adventure that we engage with totally. We are always learning as we become more intimate with our inner and outer eco-sphere and it becomes more clear how we can help it flourish. You help us with that when you buy our products or come to stay

Some of the tribe
