We're open! - Over The Edge Farm

We’re open!

by in Horse holidays, Learn horses 6th May 2016

I am sitting here, ready to make the big announcement. But I hesitate. Procrastinate. Stare out of the window at the horses playing down by the lake. Tinker with the wording one more time. What’s going on here?

This is the moment I have been heading towards for years. A lifetime. This is the place I envisioned. Where I could let my horses live as horses should, roaming the hills in a herd. Where I could live with my herd in harmony and freedom. Where I could watch them, learn what it is they really need to thrive in domesticity, and then provide it.

The intention has always been to share this space with others who love horses, nature, peace, self-reflection. So they can come and learn from me, the horses and nature, in a relaxing environment that refreshes the soul. So they can return to their lives with fresh eyes and a smiling heart.

It could have been Australia, New Mexico, India, Israel, Wales. But somehow we find ourselves in Portugal. And it’s perfect. The climate, the terrain, the people, the space, I love it all. The rocky hills and cork oak forests keep my horses fed, sheltered and fit. Our slopes are covered with lavender, cistus, helichrysum and other aromatics. What more could an animal loving aromatherapist want? Absolutely nothing.

So here we are. Full of gratitude. Ready and waiting.  All I have to do now is press the “Publish” button. Maybe a pause is natural, even a touch of nerves …..but then, if you are reading this I guess I took the jump.

You are welcome to visit.

  1. Eight. Pick me! Pick me! Pick me! ?

  2. will come anyway in july… but love the number 8 too… LOVE

  3. I would guess there are 12 horses……… ???????

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